God’s Creation

We see such a tiny fraction of God’s vast creation. Yes, on a clear night we can see the shining stars. But we hardly ‘see’ the stars at all. They appear as tiny lights twinkling in the darkened sky. Yet with the assistance of a powerful telescope we can see some celestial bodies in our solar system. But what is beyond the stars—those we catch glimpses of, even with powerful telescopes?

Compared to the unfathomable immensity of this galaxy, we are quite small. As creatures, we are a tiny fraction of the totality of God’s creation.

I drove out of town today, mindful of God’s creation—what I could see of it. I took in and marveled at the rolling hills as I drove by them. Too often I think only of getting to my destination, forgetting to enjoy the journey itself. But this time I delighted in the scenery.

And I saw this:

Cross on a hill

God came to earth so that we could come to God. The Creator became a creature1 so that we could be with God, the Uncreated.

How amazing is that?

[Related: Christmas Came Early!]


1 Without compromising His Deity one iota.

12 Responses to God’s Creation

  1. Totally amazing!!!! Thank you for sharing this!!!! Praise Jesus for what He has done for us!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Craig says:

      I’ve just changed the discussion/comments to allow for what’s called “nesting” (you’re probably aware of it and its name, as your blog does same). That is, one can respond to a comment via a “Reply” button–but, for now, only an original comment. In other words, a non-original comment cannot be replied to. At least for now.I’ve just now decided to go 4 deep.

      In any case, I thought this might interest you. I receive ‘The Daily Dose of Greek’ via email, and this one came yesterday:


      You probably know most all, if not all of this, but I thought I’d pass it along.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for sharing this link! You are WAY more tech savvy then me, I know nothing about this nesting and I have no clue what my blog does. I know that sounds terrible!!!! I am so thankful for you, Craig!!!!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Craig says:

          In looking at your blog and SlimJim’s, both nest to three. That is, one can reply to the first comment via and “Reply” button, and one can reply to the comment replied (the second nesting) via one more “Reply” button. A comment to the reply of the first comment (third nesting) has no “Reply” button. This is likely a default setting.

          Changing it is pretty easy–once you know HOW to do it! I promise you, I’m hardly ‘tech savvy’; I just learned how to do this thru some trial and error.

          If you want to change yours to nest four (instead of your current three), just go to Stats and Insights, then find “Settings”, which will populate a list, including “Discussion”. Select “Discussion”, then find “Comments”. Under “Comments” see “Enable threaded (nested) comments up to…” and select the desired number (4 in my case).

          Since I’ve now gone to the 4th threaded (nested) comment, there will not be a “Reply” button in the comments under the blog post. Of course, you could comment by just replying to the post generally.

          Liked by 1 person

  2. SLIMJIM says:

    The truth is far too amazing

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Jim says:

    Discovered this resource which has a proper stance on the weather, plus a desire we look after our world in a Godly manner. Worth a look.

    The Cornwall Declaration On Environmental Stewardship

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Jim says:

    Thanks for the link Craig. I had a quick read, and confess I’ve not looked into the Cornwall alliance in any depth. The link to their site was part of a climate sceptic article. They clearly don’t buy into the climate catastrophe hysteria. I also liked the focus on stewardship. That word is at odds with dominion, so the piece you linked to and commented on I assume, picked up strongly on that dominionist angle. I thought it was overly emphasised to detract from what good stewardship is designed to achieve.

    I thought dominionists were mostly amilleniallists who believed Jesus only comes back once we’ve conquered the earth in his name. I’ll have to look further to see if that’s what CA are espousing, but care for the world is not dominionist or heretical. Pillaging it for wanton profit whilst polluting and damaging is more unbiblical I’d argue.


  5. Jim says:

    More digging into CA. I was with Beisner until he wrote this:

    ‘(Genesis 1:28) entails a growing population that spreads out from the Garden to transform wilderness into garden and ultimately garden city (Revelation 21:2; 22:1–3).’

    That’s definitely NOT the biblical narrative. Jesus returns and does that global transformation. I see where the other writer is coming from better, even though Beisner doesn’t call it a form of eschatology per se.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Craig says:

      It’s been a while since I’d looked at this (as I said), but I did see a comment by Steve in which he said Beisner is postmillennial. That’s a non-starter–and this millennial stance lines up with NAR Dominionist theology.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Jim says:

    Seemingly in ambiguous contrast, he writes this:

    ‘In response to man’s sin God cursed the ground so that it would not yield easily even to godly dominion, let alone to ungodly, abusive domination (Genesis 3:17–19). He subjected the whole cosmos to decay and corruption. But He is restoring it, partly in history by obedience to the dominion mandate (Genesis 1:28; Romans 8:18–24), and fully in the New Heavens and New earth of the eschaton (Revelation 21:1–3, 22–27; 22:1–5). All of this is secured by the redeeming death and resurrection of Christ (Colossians 1:14–20).’

    Nothing too biblically controversial there in essence. The first quote seems to be a man-made activity, the second God-made through Christ. Rather confusing!

    Liked by 1 person

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